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Home Window Replacement Company in Denver, CO

Your home’s windows are the most fragile part of its exterior. Even the most durable windows will eventually break, crack, or become damaged. Whether your windows have suffered from a recent hailstorm or a foul ball, you can trust HHR Exteriors for quality, affordable home window replacement in Denver, CO, and the Front Range, CO, area.

Our window replacement company has decades of experience serving our community, and we can help you find replacement windows that offer you more than just visual appeal. Our window replacement contractors specialize in energy-efficient window installation to improve home insulation and lower home energy bills.

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Window replacement service in Denver & Centennial, CO

Benefits of Professional Window Replacement

Hiring our professionals for window replacement will do more than improve the aesthetics of your home. Window replacement will also:

  • Increase the value of your home
  • Improve your home’s safety and security
  • Lower your energy bills
  • Keep dust, pollen, and allergens out of your home
  • Eliminate uncomfortable drafts
  • Prevent pests and insects from entering your home
  • Offer superior protection from wind, heat, cold, and storms
  • Reduce your need for window maintenance
  • Reduce noise
  • Improve your home’s curb appeal

Why Replace Your Windows?

When you hear a window shatter in your house, you know you need to replace the broken window right away. In other situations, you might be less confident and debate the pros and cons of upgrading your windows. If you’re on the fence, we can meet with you and explain what new windows can do for your home. Some of the signs that you should consider window replacement include:

  • Chipped, cracked, or broken windows
  • A draft, even when the windows are closed
  • Warped or wavy glass
  • Condensation in between the window glass panes
  • Trouble opening and closing windows
  • Damaged or warped frames
  • Pest, insect, or animal damage to the windows or frames
  • Higher energy bills
  • Reduced indoor air quality
  • Asthma and allergy symptoms
  • More dust, dirt, and insects in the home
  • Broken window locks
  • An increase in noise in your home from traffic or neighbors
  • Decaying or damaged window frames
  • Outdated style and aesthetic

Our Window Selection

Choosing the optimal window frame and grille is a balancing act. Each type of replacement window has its pros and cons, but one of them is sure to have the right combination of price, durability, and visual appeal for your needs. We offer the following types of replacement windows:


One of the most popular options, vinyl provides impressive durability at the most cost-effective price.


More affordable than wood and more expensive than vinyl, composite windows create a tight seal while also offering protection against impact, rot, insects, water damage, and other common sources of damage.


Twice as strong as composite, giving more glass and less frame while offering protection against impact, rot, fading, and other weather-related damage.


Wood is hands down the classiest option for windows. Nothing compares to the elegance and strength of wooden window frames and grilles, although they are less budget-friendly than the composite or vinyl options.

Will Your Insurance Company Pay for Window Replacement?

We routinely work with all major home insurance providers when a home’s windows have been damaged by severe weather. Whether it’s a fallen branch or a torrential hailstorm, we’ll do everything possible to help you complete your insurance paperwork. We can even perform an initial inspection of your home to ensure that your insurance adjuster didn’t miss any difficult-to-notice damage. If so, we have experience with supplemental filings.

Our Window Warranty Information

All of our window installation labor has a lifetime limited warranty. We stand by our work and make sure it is done correctly the first time. Each window manufacturer also offers its own warranty on materials, and we will go over the warranty details before installation.

Explore Window Design Inspirations

Click through our gallery to explore window design inspiration for your window replacement project. You’ll see how our windows look on real homes throughout Denver, CO, so you can decide which style and option is right for your home.

Why Choose HHR Exteriors

At HHR Exteriors, we have a long history of helping our Denver community improve the safety and value of their homes. We specialize in exterior home upgrading projects that are stress-free, seamless, and affordable. Our competitive financing options can help you afford to improve your home’s exterior without stressing out about how you will afford it. We have a team of experienced window replacement contractors with decades of experience and attention to detail. We are a one-stop shop for home improvement. We can provide free inspections and estimates, assistance with insurance claims, and home improvements that will make your home beautiful and comfortable again.

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